Eligibility for Testing Accommodations
A student with a documented disability may be eligible for accommodations for course exams.
To be eligible, a student:
- Has a disability that necessitates testing accommodations
- Is an otherwise qualified enrolled student with a disability
- Has documentation on file with the Disability Resource Center supporting the need for requested accommodations and meeting the Guidelines for Documentation.
What disabilities make students eligible for accommodations?
There are various disabilities that could impact a student's academic functioning. For example:
- Blindness/Vision Impairment
- AD/HD (formerly known as A.D.D./A.D.H.D.)
- Learning Disabilities
- Deafness/Hearing Impairment
- Certain Medical Conditions
- Certain Physical Disabilities
- Certain Psychiatric Conditions
Considerations in Determining Testing Accommodations Eligibility
- Does the student have a diagnosed disability that makes it difficult for him or her to learn and take tests in the traditional manner?
- Does the student have documentation on file showing that he or she has a disability that requires testing accommodations and addressing each of the information categories in the Guidelines for Documentation?
- Has the student received accommodations for tests previously in school?
- If the answer is yes to these questions, and the student follows the appropriate guidelines, testing accommodations may be appropriate.
Types of Accommodations Available
There are six major categories for testing accommodations:
- Presentation (e.g., large print; reader; Braille; Braille device for written responses; visual magnification; audio amplification; audiocassette; sign/oral presentations)
- Responding (e.g., verbal/dictated to scribe; tape recorder; computer without grammar/cut & paste features; large block answer sheet)
- Timing/Scheduling (e.g., breaks; extended time; multiple day; specified time of day)
- Setting (e.g., small group setting; private room; special lighting/acoustics; adaptive/special furniture/tools; alternative test site [with proctor present]; preferential seating).
- Math Calculation (e.g., use of four-function calculator)
- Physical or Medical (e.g., permission for food, drink, medication or to check blood sugar)
Excerpts from College Board Accommodation Categories
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Location: Bldg 124 (Student Services, across from Spanos Stadium)
Phone: 805-756-1395
Fax: 805-756-5451
Email: drc@calpoly.edu