Parents as Partners

We at the Disability Resource Center are pleased to have the privilege of working with your student in the coming year. Making the transition from high school or community college to a four year university is sometimes complex, so we have assembled some resources we think will help you in your new role as “parent of a college student with a disability.”
Support Former Foster Youth
As you are thinking about all the things you need to buy for your student's residence hall room, please also think about others. Cal Poly seeks your support to help provide the furnishings for the rooms of the bright and talented former foster youth set to enroll next month. We hope that everyone in our community will step up, make a tax-deductible donation, and help ensure that every Mustang has everything they need for a great start!
To donate to this initiative, visit the Support Former Foster Youth crowdfund page.
Overview of DRC
- Requesting DRC Services and accommodations is a 5-Step Process and the staff of DRC are available to help your student at any point along the way.
- The DRC has established specific Learning Objectives, skills that students can acquire through their interactions with our department, and which we believe are critical to student development in college. We recommend that you become familiar with these, as they guide our decisions and our work with your students.
- Each incoming DRC student is assigned an Access Specialist who is responsible for overseeing his/her accommodations and for offering support and assistance as needed.
- During your student's intake appointment with one of our Access Specialists, s/he will be provided with an accommodation plan which will be available for the student to email out to instructors.
Transition from High School to College
Here are some excellent resources to help understand some of the important differences in transitioning to a post-secondary environment:
Federal regulations protect adult students’ confidentiality, even as it pertains to disclosing confidential information to parents. Students can provide release of information permission that allows us to communicate with parents. However, should your student provide us with permission, please know that the permission allows, but does not require, us to disclose confidential information. Our practice is to share information when we believe it is in the student’s best interest.
Cal Poly Parent Program
The Parent Program connects parents with information and resources through an Advisory Board, newsletter, handbook, orientations, and unique events.
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Location: Bldg 124 (Student Services, across from Spanos Stadium)
Phone: 805-756-1395
Fax: 805-756-5451