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Veteran Students with Injuries

veteran saluting American flag

Welcome Veterans! We are proud to have you at Cal Poly and greatly appreciate your time in service to our nation. We are pleased that you have chosen to make Cal Poly a part of your life.

The Disability Resource Center (DRC) provides individualized accommodations and support services for Veteran students with documented injuries/disabilities. In order to receive services from DRC, you must provide documentation of your injury/disability from an appropriate professional. For further information on our application and documentation processes, see How to Request DRC Services.

Veterans wishing to meet with an Access Specialist can do so by contacting our office at 756-1395. Our meetings and contact will be discreet and confidential. We look forward to hearing from and working with you!

Sincerely, DRC Staff

Campus Resources for Veteran Students

Veterans Success Center: Veteran Benefits

Veteran Coordinator:  Steven Chandler
Email: veterans@calpoly.edu
Phone: 756.2531

Sources for Financial Aid

ROTC Program

Counseling Services offers short-term counseling and a variety of groups to address mental health issues including depression, anxiety, stress-management, and relationship concerns. Please call for an appointment.

Career Services is proud to assist our military veteran students in achieving their career development goals.

Community Resources for Veteran Students

County Of San Luis Obispo Veterans Service Office
Veterans Memorial Bldg
801 Grand Ave, SLO, CA 93408
(805) 781-5766
--Vet Service Officer: Dave Cummings

California Department of Rehabilitation
San Luis Obispo Branch
3220 S. Higuera Street, Suite 102
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-6984
(805) 549-3361 (Voice)
(805) 544-7367 (TTY)
--Cal Poly Liaison: Karen Hicks
(805) 549-3367

Independent Living Resource Center, Inc.
Santa Barbara Office
423 West Victoria St.
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
--Veteran's Outreach Specialist: Ryan W. Burke
(805) 291-2869
Email: RBurke@ilrc-trico.org

Employment Development Department Services for Veterans

-- SLO Veterans’ Specialist: Milton Batson
(805) 788-2687

-- Santa Maria Veterans’ Specialist: Robert Egg
(805) 348-3230

Disability Program Navigators (DPN)
Assists people with disabilities to access and navigate the various programs that impact their ability to gain or retain employment. The DPN initiative was established to better inform people with disabilities about the work support programs now available at One-Stop Career Centers.

-- Vet Outreach: John Guerra 

Additional Links

Counseling Veteran Students: provides information about the challenges and problems our veteran students are facing, and how they can be helped with the available VA resources and services

This Toolkit (created by the Equal Rights Center - ) deals with accessible housing rights for veterans with disabilities as defined by the Fair Housing Act - it's a good resource for accessible housing needs in general.


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Location: Bldg 124 (Student Services, across from Spanos Stadium)
Phone: 805-756-1395
Fax: 805-756-5451
Email: drc@calpoly.edu

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