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Office Lens app for Notetakers

Office Lens is a free scanning app available for iPhone and Android users. Notetakers can use Office Lens to scan (take photos of) your handwritten notes and upload them to the DRC online portal for the DRC student(s) who need them as an accommodation. Office Lens has a Document mode which will auto-crop each page of your notes as you scan them. The app allows you to scan all pages of your notes and save them as a single document (PDF). Office Lens also has a Whiteboard mode that lets you take auto-cropped photos of the whiteboard/blackboard.

Download the Office Lens app

Below are links for downloading Office Lens on your iPhone or Android along with step-by-step instructions with screenshots for using Document mode in Office Lens to scan your handwritten notes:

Scan your notes with Office Lens

  1. Open the Office Lens app on your mobile device.
  2. Select Document mode.
  3. Position the first page of your notes under the camera so that the whole page is visible.
  4. Tap the Capture/Camera button to scan the page.
  5. Crop, rotate, re-take, or delete the image if needed.
  6. Tap the Add button (symbol of a camera with a plus sign) to scan additional pages as needed.
  7. When finished, save all scanned pages.
  8. Choose to save pages as a PDF.
  9. Save the PDF on your mobile device or to OneDrive.

Upload your scanned notes to the DRC Online Portal

  1. Log in to the Cal Poly portal.
  2. Click/tap Student Accommodations under My Apps.
  3. Click/tap the Notetaker tab on your home screen in the DRC Online portal.
  4. Scroll to the File Information section at the bottom of the page under Upload Instruction.
  5. Select the appropriate class and week # (e.g., Week 3) from the drop-down menus. Check the box for the weekday of your notes.
  6. Select the file (PDF) to upload by clicking/tapping the Choose File button.
  7. Locate the PDF containing your scanned notes on your mobile device or in OneDrive.
  8. Click/tap the Upload Notes button.

Troubleshooting problems with uploading your scanned notes

  • The DRC online portal may reject your attempt to upload the PDF of your scanned notes if the file size is too big. Try compressing the PDF so its file size is small enough to upload.
  • You can use one of the following free tools to compress your PDF so it can be uploaded to the DRC online portal:


Contact DRC Notetaking Services at (805) 756-5764 or drcnotes@calpoly.edu

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Location: Bldg 124 (Student Services, across from Spanos Stadium)
Phone: 805-756-1395
Fax: 805-756-5451
Email: drc@calpoly.edu

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